Posts tagged honey
Honey Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta with Sautéed Plums

As California endures the heatwave, and fire season makes the beloved landscape particularly apocalyptic, I stand in limbo, trying to savor the last of summer while slowly making the transition into earthy autumnal tones. Though I love the bright colors and strong sunlight that these months have pushed me towards, rustic neutrals, ruddy browns, and smoky greens feel more comforting. I'm still finding my footing, tentatively moving my way through the world of styling and photography, grasping at new techniques wherever I can. Stylistically, I'm drawn towards rustic settings that feel less staged, more welcoming and atmospheric. Snapshots of everyday life, with the beauty of fresh ingredients and mundane settings emphasized.

Rambling, I know, but all this to say I'm still honing in on a style, one that is much more clearly expressed in cooler seasons. Still, some of the warmth and atmosphere shines through, and I think I've managed to tiptoe between the seasons.

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Honey Ricotta, Fig, and Hazelnut Toast

This one started out as just a spontaneous lunch, inspired by a fresh package of California black figs, a long-forgotten container of ricotta, and a few slices of bread from a local bakery. I'd gone to the market the day before, searching for some fresh figs so I could finally use the ricotta for this recipe. No luck, no figs, and the blazing California sun was another reminder that autumn is still a little ways away.

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